DMO Module Four Classes

  • Low Key Reboot

    This gentle floor based mobilization practice is ideal for days when you want to move, but you don't want to work too hard 😉. You will need one yoga block and you may wish to have a blanket for comfort.

  • Low + Slow Hip Flow

    A lower body tune-up perfect for those times when you're in the mood to get grounded. No standing postures or weight-bearing on the hands means a more laid-back approach to hip mobility, one that will have you walking away from the mat relaxed and at ease.

  • Somatic Scorpion Play

    Ever feel like you want to move your whole body but you want to take it easy? Explore and play with the more subtle aspects of scorpion rolls and low lunge variations before putting it together in a dynamic flow. This class is easy on the shoulders and wrists and gets your hips moving in all th...

  • Permission to Pause

    Do you need to be given permission to let go and relax? If so, this class is perfect for you. You will explore a number of restorative poses and the different effects that they have on your body when you use certain props or not. Tune into the sensations in your body and allow your mind to tune o...