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Watch this video and more on Detour Virtual Studio

One Way to Dancer's

30 - 60 mins • 54m

Up Next in 30 - 60 mins

  • Flow Like an Eagle

    This practice will challenge your coordination and single leg stability while offering some love to the scapula, spine, ankles, knees and hips. Move and breathe at your own pace. We'll conclude with a guided non-sleep deep rest to nourish your body & mind.

    Want some tunes to go with your mo...

  • Sentadillas Exploradoras

    Uno de los patrones de desarrollo fundamentales son las sentadillas, nuestras caderas estan diseñadas a estar en cuclillas pero vamos perdiendo movilidad por los hábitos posturales. En esta clase exploraremos gentilmente como acceder a la sabiduría de tus caderas para recordar como es estar soste...

  • Resilient Knees

    Want to take on the world but worried that your knees might be holding you back? This is the class for you. We'll address knee mobility, hamstring strength and quadricep loading to bring activation to all areas around the knee joint. This class is designed with more of a "workshop" feel so if you...