Sarah Wood

Sarah Wood

Broadcasting from: Christchurch New Zealand

My own journey with Yoga began over 18 years ago. From my first class I noticed a sense of ‘stillness’ I’d not experienced before. I became aware of how incessant my mind chatter had been, and I gradually woke up to the idea that I am NOT my thoughts.

As someone who loves movement, I was naturally drawn to the physical intensity of Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga and that was my main practice, for years, until I became a mother and could no longer keep up the rigorous routine.

A couple of years later, in 2017, I left my corporate job and undertook my Yoga Teacher Training. The director of that training program was a student of T K V Desikachar who taught a more therapeutic approach to Vinyasa Yoga. While I gained so much from my YTT, it was also a place where critical thinking wasn’t welcomed and there were many occasions where I felt my questions were ‘shut down’.

Upon graduating, I felt ill-equipped as a teacher until I furthered my training with organisations that invited scientific enquiry and supported me to question, experiment and hold space for seemingly opposing ideas.

The most significant of these trainings have been with Yoga Detour™. DMO and DMS have transformed my teaching and empowered me in my own practice. These courses have sparked so much curiosity for me, and I love to bring that element to my teaching.

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Sarah Wood
  • Have Plank Will Travel

    This class offers you the opportunity to explore a range of plank and side plank expressions within a flow format. If you have the space you can even take these for a walk! You'll need a couple of blocks, optional tennis balls or similar, sliders/paper plates for carpet, or a blanket for hard flo...

  • Embodied Mobility Flow

    A top to toe nourishing mobility sequence designed to help you ease out those creases and claim some end range movement. A spacious practice with lots of opportunity to reconnect to your breath and sensation.

  • Creative Cossack Flow

    Find yourself touching down in all corners of your mat as you flow through some innovative and (hopefully) fun transitions. We spend a good half of the class preparing with some targeted mobility and strength exercises inviting greater awareness and control.

  • Wild Spiral Flow

    Grab a block, dowel (or strap) and your favourite resistance band and join me for this full body experience exploring the natural spiral relationships in your body. Expect to prepare thoroughly with mobility and strength drills before finding your flow and building some heat in your body.